Best Bet In Roulette

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Many worthless betting strategies and systems are based on belief in the Gambler's Fallacy. I got the idea for writing about this after reading an 888 online roulette article by Frank Scoblete entitled How to Take Advantage of Roulette Hot Spots. In that article, Scoblete recommends taking a count of each outcome for 3,700 spins in single-zero. The best way to bet on roulette. If pushed, consider betting, say, five units each round on an even-money bet, and one unit a round on a more adventurous play. With a little luck, with these best roulette bet combinations, you will be marginally ahead with your even-money bets, which will pay for your gamble on the single numbers. Online roulette guide and tips – Best roulette online to play for free – Casino bonuses to play for real money.

  1. Best Numbers To Bet In Roulette
  2. Best Bets In Roulette Youtube
  3. Best Bets In Roulette

There are three main types of Roulette game available, and each one has its differences from the others.

So it makes sense to say that people will adopt different strategies for each type of game. But what is the best Roulette strategy for each game, and what is the best way to tweak and optimize your strategy?

First of all, to develop any kind of Roulette strategy you need to able able to have time at the table and not have too many distractions so you can think your strategy through.

The best way to do this is to play Roulette online so you can have the table to yourself and enjoy the freedom that playing online allows.

​Here is the perfect strategy for using on an online Roulette table, and one that does not take a lot of learning. It has proven to be very effective, and does not require much initial outlay to get it to work and can really improve your chances of winning at Roulette.

To try the best Roulette strategy out – click here

Step 1

Buy one stack of chips. In this example we will assume that the chips are of $1 denomination, so you will buy in for $20. Once you have your chips you need to break them down into 5 stacks of 4 chips each. You then need to play five of the 6-line bets, so each stack of 4 chips you have on 5 of the 6-line bets.

It is important that you cover as many numbers as possible, so make sure that you spread them out so each bet is covering two rows on their own, and not doubling up with another bet. As you will be covering 5 out of the 6 winning possible 6-lines, you stand a high chance of winning. If you win, you will win 20 chips (4 x 5 = 20), so including your winning bet you will now have a total of 24 chips.

Step 2

Step 2 is very easy. You need to break down your 24 chips in half, so you have two stacks of 12 chips. You then put one of the stacks of 12 on one of the dozens, and the other stack on another of the dozens. So you now have two out of the three dozen's covered. If the ball lands in one of your dozens you will win 2-1 on your bet, so that will pay you 24 chips, plus the 12 from the winning bet will mean you now have a total of 36 chips.

Tip: To optimize your chances more, play European Roulette in your online casino account. This is because you have a better chance of success with even money outside bets when playing European rather than American roulette. You can play European Roulette here

Step 3

Now you have a total of 36 chips, and you want to break these down into 6 stacks of 6 chips (when playing online Roulette, you won't actually be able to break the chips down into stacks, but you should just place 6 bets of 6 chips). Next you need to cover 6 corner bets with your 6 chip stacks. Make sure you spread them out as much as possible and do not double up on any numbers so you have as much of the table covered as possible.

If you hit a winner you will win 48 chips (6 x 8 = 48), then with your winning bet you will now have a total of 54 chips.

Step 4

Now with your 54 chips you will need to break them down into 9 stacks of 6 chips, and then place them on any 9 of the 12 possible street bets. Again you are giving yourself a good chance of winning by covering the majority of the possibilities, with your bets. If you hit a winner your bet will pay out 66 chips (6 x 11 = 66), plus with the 6 chips you have from your winning bet you will now have a total of 72 chips.

Step 5

Now with your 72 chips, you need to break them down into 14 stacks of 5 chips. The next bets you are going to cover are the splits, so place your bets on 14 different split bets and make sure that you do not double up on any numbers so you can cover as much of the table as possible. You will have 2 chips left over when you do this, so place these 2 chips straight up on any of the empty numbers as a kind of insurance.

Playing craps to win. Now if you hit a winning split bet, you will win a total of 85 chips (5 x 17 = 85), plus the 5 chips you have from the winning bet will give you a total of 90 chips.

Step 6

You now have 90 chips from your initial $20 buy-in, so you are doing well. But there is one final step that can improve your winnings even more. Now we are going to bet straight up bets, the highest paying bet on the Roulette wheel. So for this you need to break your 90 chips down into 22 stacks of 4 chips (total 88 chips) and you will have 2 left over for insurance.

So now you are going to place your 22 stacks of 4 chips on any of the straight up numbers. Do not double up, make sure you just use 4 chips maximum on any number so you cover as much of the table as possible. Then with the remaining 2 chips, place them on any of the empty numbers (1 chip on each), so if you do hit one of these you can start the process again.


Now if you hit a winning number you will win a total of 140 chips (4 x 35 = 140), plus with the 4 chips you have from the winning bet you now have a total of 144 chips, so $144 in this case. This is a good return on your $20 investment! If you are looking for the best Roulette strategy to try now on your online Roulette game, give this one a go….it works very well!

Click here to try this Roulette strategy out now


Luxury Casino


Golden Tiger Casino

So what's the secret, what's the smartest bet you can make in roulette ? There's much discussion on this, a single number, a range of outside bets and some betting systems have extremely complicated options. Well, it's quite logical really, the best roulette bets have to be the ones that the casinos dislike the most. Remember in all casino based games including roulette there is a negative expectation, that is there is a probability that the player will eventually lose.

It's obviously difficult to find roulette strategies that work when the odds are that you will end up losing. Of course this doesn't always happen sometimes people will win fabulous amounts of money and defy this expectation. One of the tricks to playing roulette is to walk out of the casino when this happens – quickly. In fact if you're up big time then you should be ready to run away the minute that ball lands. You can work through one of the many systems, like the dreary Oscar's Grind or the hit or miss martingale but without an exit strategy it will all end the same way.

Always play European Roulette if you have a choice

Before considering which bet to place, it's actually crucial to consider where you place it. There's a vital decision to be made whether you're playing in a real casino or playing online and that's the type of roulette wheel you use. There are two main types commonly described as American Roulette and European Roulette – irrespective of your nationality always play on a European roulette table if you have the chance. It has one less zero which significantly reduces the house edge (it's built in advantage in all casino games). It might sound trivial but playing on the wrong wheel makes you much more likely to lose money on all your options including even money bets.

Time is a Factor in Any Casino

Have you ever forgotten a watch and tried to find out the time in a casino? It's not easy, there's rarely any clocks on the walls and very few windows. It's easy to lose hours playing roulette games in the early hours. There's a reason for that – the simple fact is that the longer you play, the more you are subjecting your bank roll to this negative expectation of the house edge and it will eventually catch up with you. Roulette odds and pay outs are carefully designed to help the house not the player. That generous 35 to 1 pay out is not so great when you consider the actual odds. Nor is red black and even money bet despite usually being described like that. Again the single zero on European roulette and the two zeros on the American roulette table skew the odds in the house's favour.


Now if you hit a winning number you will win a total of 140 chips (4 x 35 = 140), plus with the 4 chips you have from the winning bet you now have a total of 144 chips, so $144 in this case. This is a good return on your $20 investment! If you are looking for the best Roulette strategy to try now on your online Roulette game, give this one a go….it works very well!

Click here to try this Roulette strategy out now


Luxury Casino


Golden Tiger Casino

So what's the secret, what's the smartest bet you can make in roulette ? There's much discussion on this, a single number, a range of outside bets and some betting systems have extremely complicated options. Well, it's quite logical really, the best roulette bets have to be the ones that the casinos dislike the most. Remember in all casino based games including roulette there is a negative expectation, that is there is a probability that the player will eventually lose.

It's obviously difficult to find roulette strategies that work when the odds are that you will end up losing. Of course this doesn't always happen sometimes people will win fabulous amounts of money and defy this expectation. One of the tricks to playing roulette is to walk out of the casino when this happens – quickly. In fact if you're up big time then you should be ready to run away the minute that ball lands. You can work through one of the many systems, like the dreary Oscar's Grind or the hit or miss martingale but without an exit strategy it will all end the same way.

Always play European Roulette if you have a choice

Before considering which bet to place, it's actually crucial to consider where you place it. There's a vital decision to be made whether you're playing in a real casino or playing online and that's the type of roulette wheel you use. There are two main types commonly described as American Roulette and European Roulette – irrespective of your nationality always play on a European roulette table if you have the chance. It has one less zero which significantly reduces the house edge (it's built in advantage in all casino games). It might sound trivial but playing on the wrong wheel makes you much more likely to lose money on all your options including even money bets.

Time is a Factor in Any Casino

Have you ever forgotten a watch and tried to find out the time in a casino? It's not easy, there's rarely any clocks on the walls and very few windows. It's easy to lose hours playing roulette games in the early hours. There's a reason for that – the simple fact is that the longer you play, the more you are subjecting your bank roll to this negative expectation of the house edge and it will eventually catch up with you. Roulette odds and pay outs are carefully designed to help the house not the player. That generous 35 to 1 pay out is not so great when you consider the actual odds. Nor is red black and even money bet despite usually being described like that. Again the single zero on European roulette and the two zeros on the American roulette table skew the odds in the house's favour.

The less actual bets you make the more chance you have of being a winner. This is crucial to remember, don't be too concerned with what's the best bet on roulette table, more important is how many bets you should place.

Many of course would argue (with some justification) that the minimum number of bets is actually none at all. But it is true that to maximise your odds of winning you'd be best to walk into the casino, place one large bet then leave immediately. It really doesn't sound much fun and it would make for a pretty dull evening although of course that could really depend on the result of your one single large bet.

You see the casino are well aware that in the short term there will be fluctuations. You will see lots of weird results and strange winning streaks in the short term, but experience tells them that these never last very long.

The longer someone plays the more likely the expectation will be realised, if you bet indefinitely whatever your bank balance you will eventually lose. It's the large, I mean really large single bets that really worry a casino – in a short term anything can happen, a few spins could easily go against the odds. This is what keeps the casino owner sweating at night and with lady luck behind you how to win at roulette.

In essence yes, the way to maximise your potential of winning is to minimise the number of bets. Walking into a casino, putting your entire bankroll down on an even money number spin and walking out whatever the result is the way to play. There is no doubt that this is one bet system is the best roulette betting strategy, although perhaps a little short on fun. The casino seeks to outlast the player and ride out these small variations, one off large bets don't allow them chance to do this. It is the very simple reason why a house has table limits, so they can reduce their risks to individual spins. The casino would much rather take your cash off you with a 1000 – $2 dollar bets than win it all of you in a single spin. For the simple reason they are far more likely to win in the long term scenario and less likely to hit a big roulette payout.

But of course knowing this is not likely to change most people's behaviour in a casino, after all who wants to put one bet on and then leave. Playing roulette online or off is supposed to be fun but knowing these expectations can make a difference to how people play. If half way through the evening you find yourself way up, then think to yourself the expectation at the start of the night was that you would lose. If you carry on playing you are giving that expectation more chance to happen. That simple piece of knowledge is worth more than any free roulette strategy, believe me.

Best Numbers To Bet In Roulette

How many times have you heard about some huge wins, when a player takes a casino for millions. These luck streaks happen but the only reason a casino needs to worry is if the winners stop playing, their negative expectation will catch up to them if they carry on. Of course they might continue their gambling at a different casino – but the player's expectation will still be reached.

No you can't enjoy roulette or most games by playing purely with these sort of tactics. Of course you can minimise the negative expectation against you, the advantage known as the house edge. As mentioned, in the case of roulette always play on European roulette tables if possible, as they have one less zero than the American roulette wheel plus they normally allow En Prison or La Partage rules which further reduce the house advantage.

Best Bets In Roulette Youtube

If you're playing online then you used to be able to take this a step further. There was one roulette game which actually had no advantage – it was completely equal 50-50. It used to be very popular on the Betfair casino site and was called zero edge. It offered by far the best odds of any online casino site on even money, outside bets and single number gambles. Unfortunately it's long gone, I presume it started to lose money. There's often rumours about another zero edge roulette game that is one that has no zero on the wheel but they they don't seem to last long. I was told that Casino.Com had a zero edge wheel but there's no obvious sign when I checked last.

Anyway, perhaps getting too involved with the mathematical odds of roulette is a mistake. The majority of casino games should be played primarily as entertainment not as investment. After all as explained the smartest bet in roulette is not exactly exciting! If you're more interested in profit than fun, then there are better options to maximise your return. High voltage music.

Best Bets In Roulette

It's worth playing around with the test games and wheels if you are unsure about a particular brand. With most you can play for free for a while before you try for real money, often this is a great way to try out any systems. Remember though the algorithm which calculates on the free games may be different. It's wise to only use ‘live casinos' though for any systems, computer roulette can be easily adjusted to ensure a maximum level of payout.

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